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Helping Unleash your inner Twitch

Founded by Wayne, affectionately known as TenaciousW, alongside CMDButton and the dynamic Faye's Tech B**ch, Twitch Guru emerged from a passion for streaming and a vision to revolutionize the Twitch experience.

In 2018, my wife, "FranklyFaye", and I set out on our streaming journey. It quickly became evident that Faye was destined for the spotlight, while I thrived in orchestrating the magic behind the scenes. My longstanding interest in web design and development found new life as I began crafting unique overlays, designed to captivate and retain viewers.

Our innovations didn't stop there. Overlays Guru proudly introduced the Shoutout Player® and the Random Clip Player, transforming the once-simple chat command shoutouts into a stylish and interactive experience. We've set a new standard, allowing streamers to celebrate their peers with flair.

From our humble beginnings, Overlays Guru has ascended to become one of the premier overlay providers in the streaming world. Testament to our impact, we now process over 2 million commands monthly and process over 500 hours of clips, continually striving to enhance the streaming landscape and foster a vibrant community.