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Yes, even the Guru lets one go from time to time (although not as much as FranklyFaye), now with this tool so can your viewers! 1 command !fart will pick and play a fart sound out of a library of 28 juciey farts! (well some sound dry).
Set the player sound level

You can change the command the player is triggered by

Who Can Trigger?

Reward Points
Make sure "Require Viewer to Enter Text" is on unless you have granted permission below to this app. Click set and redeem the reward so the script can find the ID. You do not have to be streaming this also works offline. Click here to open the twitch reward page in a new tab

Reward: Set

Oauth: If you wish to have your reward require no text then you have to authorize this app to view your channel points Authorize
The Browser Source URL
Copy the code below and add a new browser source with the code to your streaming program, recommended size: 1920x1080 and scale / position to fit your needs

No subscription found for this channel, the "pro" features wont be applied until subscribed. You dont need to change the browser source when you puchase a subscription the settings are saved in the code.
