Add the interactive Pokémon game to your stream just like the one from the TV series! the command !wtp will start the
game and show a random Pokémon silhouette and the viewers have to try and guess who the Pokémon is by typing
the name in chat! with over 800 Pokémon this will keep your audience engaged for hours!
default commands are for the mods / broadcaster and they are as follows: !wtp !giveup !skipwtp !resetwtp everyone: !wtpscore !wtpboard !catch.
The free version only has the best generation, I mean the 1st generation ;)
Copy the code below and add a new browser source with the code to your streaming program, recommended size: 1920x1080 and scale / position to fit your needs
No subscription found for this channel, the "pro" features wont be applied until subscribed. You dont need to change the browser source when
you puchase a subscription the settings are saved in the code.
Don't share any codes generated by the Guru tools if they contain keys, tokens or anything sensitive!