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Message Alerts

Never miss out on chat interactions again with our advanced Twitch Chat Overlay! This tool not only alerts you with a pleasant 'ding' for every new message but also comes packed with an array of customizable features. Elevate your streaming experience with custom sound notifications for different user groups—whether they're Mods, VIPs, or Subscribers. Plus, enjoy the added benefit of text-to-speech functionality for an even more interactive streaming session. Stay engaged, stay informed, and make every chat message count!
Set the player sound level

Here you can set groups the overlay ignores / listens to.
1st Message
Set to true it will only play the sound the 1st time a new viewer messages.

Text to speech (PRO)
TTS options for reading out chat messages.

Visual Alert
Pulses background to color you pick.

Color Picker
Default (viewers)
Start Button
If you want this to work in a normal browser window, enable this


Streamer and moderators have the ability to manage the ignored users list. Use the !samute @username command to add a user to the ignored list, and the !saunmute @username command to remove a user from it.

Note: Any users added or removed using chat commands are temporary. The list will reset to its original state when the browser source is reloaded.

The Browser Source URL
Copy the code below and add a new browser source with the code to your streaming program, recommended size: 1920x1080 and scale / position to fit your needs

No subscription found for this channel, the "pro" features wont be applied until subscribed. You dont need to change the browser source when you puchase a subscription the settings are saved in the code.
