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Tools / Overlays

Our original unique tools, more coming soon.


Shoutout Player®

Shout your friends out in style. When the!so command is triggered, it will play a random clip from the streamer being shouted out. Completely customizable to fit your streaming brand. The Pro version comes with more style options and more advanced features.


Random Clip Player®

Is your BRB screen dull? Are you losing viewers while you're peeing or feeding your laser-shooting sharks? Have no fear. Overlays Guru Random Clip Player is here. *say that 3Xs fast >_<' This overlay will keep your viewers entertained by grabbing your stream clips and playing them back-to-back. Simple but very effective. More style options are available for the premium


Video Sound Command

Link to YouTube videos, Twitch clips, or your own. Easy, set the start and end duration, and set how you would like it to be triggered. command? bits? raids? etc. has a built-in chroma option to remove greenscreen or bluescreen from video. Make a list and keep adding or removing videos easily. This tool is for Pro members only.


Talking Hand

Pretty self-explanatory, really? It's a hand, and it talks? It's a good thing my hand doesn't talk. Runs on channel points. Allow your viewer the power of text-to-speech with an animated gif to slide in and talk. The pro version has over 3000 celebrity voices and the ability to customise the gif to anything you want.


Jump/Bump Game

Hours of fun! interactive game where viewers spawn random gliding army men trying to get the highest score on the target. It's completely random and fun, but bragging rights are real ^_^. built-in leaderboard to keep track of the winners. Good for all screens and competition draws!


Video Playlist

Similar to the BRB Player®, but with this you add videos separately, and it supports YouTube videos. Why not make an overlay of all your friends clips or an overlay of your favourite YouTube memes?


Who's that Pokemon?

In this fun interactive pokemon game from the TV series, a pokemon silhouette is displayed, and users in the chat have to name the pokemon. Also includes PokeDex data. The free version only has Generation 1 (the only Pokemon I can name ^_^).


Magic 8ball

Interactive 8ball for your stream. Viewer type !8ball (question) and watch the magic as the animated ball reveals the answer. With tonnes of customizable options, from custom answers to control over appearance and more.


Fart Command

Yes, even the Guru lets one go from time to time (although not as much as FranklyFaye), and now with this tool, so can your viewers! 1 command! fart will pick and play a fart sound out of a library of 28 juciey farts! (Well, some sound dry.)


Reward Timer

Countdown timer that is activated when a channel point is redeemed Good for timer-based rewards such as playing blindfolded for xx minutes, etc.


Message Alert / TTS

Boost your Twitch streams with our advanced Chat Overlay! Get instant 'ding' alerts for new messages and customize sounds for Mods, VIPs, and Subscribers. Enjoy the extra perk of text-to-speech for a fully interactive experience. Stay engaged and make every chat message matter!


Batch Channel Player

Automatically grab Twitch clips and YouTube channel videos, complete with options to enable or disable specific videos. Take advantage of the shuffle feature and utilize chat commands to share the URL of the currently playing video. The free version comes with a 30-video limit and pro has 2000 limit.



Revolutionize your stream with our Camera Changer and Effects tool. Effortlessly switch cameras and add fun effects on the fly, all controlled by your audience through commands, channel points, or keyboard shortcuts. Whether it's for a laugh or added drama, this tool makes your stream interactive and engaging