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Jump / Bump Game

2 Interactive games for your stream. When a viewer types !jump into chat it spawns a falling player; the goal is simple hit the target highest score is the winner. This is random the players collide and bounce around the screen. Fully customizable from the graphics to the sounds. Great way of keeping your viewer entertained and keep your viewers active in chat. The viewer can also type !jump with an emote to see the emote fall instead of the army man. The username and army man colours will match the Twitch username colour.
Set the game sound level

Game Mode
Want the Jump, Bump or both?
Game Logic
Change how the players fall

Min X

Max X

Min Y

Max Y

Straight fall chance

Wall slide chance

Custom Sound URLs
Custom URL to sound files.

Sets the allowance for 100% for example if greater than 95% = 100%

100% winner

Select the base theme

Target Color
Sets the color of the target

Scale Factor
Enlargment settings, usually does't need adjusting Scale

Moving Target
Just for reference, the size will vary.

Here you can grant the game permission to post in chat.

Oauth: Authorize

Bot Name: If you want a bot / different username to post in chat you have to get your bots oauth and paste it in the oauth section. You need to be logged into twitch under the bot name and goto this address to get the oauth twitchapps.com/tmi . Your tokens are never saved onto our server, they are stored on your local storage and in the url generated. Do not share the link with anyone else!
Bot Info: Sign in to Twitch as your bot from a different browser, then visit https://twitchapps.com/tmi/ to get the access token. Paste it into the OAuth section above.
Username: !Jump

FranklyFaye: !jump

Username: !jumpboard

Username: #1 tenaciousw-98.96 #2 falseidols-81.77 #3 SadPosture-49.48
You can change the command the game is triggered by

Choose who can start the game

Extra Commands
The commands for the leader boards are !jumptop !jumpboard !jumpmyrank

Reward Points
This section requires a token, make sure to set permission in the chat section above. This will not work if your using a bot above. If you want to use a bot and channel redemption you have to make sure to tick "Require Viewer to Enter Text" when making the channel point on twitch. Click set and redeem the reward so the script can find the ID. You do not have to be streaming this also works offline. Click here to open the twitch reward page in a new tab


The Browser Source URL
Copy the code below and add a new browser source with the code to your streaming program, recommended size: 1920x1080 and scale / position to fit your needs

No subscription found for this channel, the "pro" features wont be applied until subscribed. You dont need to change the browser source when you puchase a subscription the settings are saved in the code.
