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Important Announcement: Rebranding to Overlays Guru

Dear Valued Users,

We want to inform you of an important change happening at our site. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are rebranding and changing our name from Twitch Guru to Overlays Guru.

We have been known as Twitch Guru for almost 5 years, and we deeply appreciate your continued support throughout this time. While we have always been transparent about not being affiliated with Twitch, and despite having a clear disclaimer, Twitch has expressed concerns that our name might cause confusion. To maintain a good relationship with Twitch, we have agreed to change our name.

What You Need to Know:

  • New Name: Overlays Guru
  • New URL (if the site experiences any interruptions): Overlays.Guru

We hope this rebranding process does not cause any disruption to your services. Our team is working diligently to ensure a smooth transition. The core services and quality you have come to expect will remain unchanged.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and support during this transition.

Thank you for being a part of our community. We look forward to continuing to serve you as Overlays Guru.

Best regards,

The Overlays Guru Team